

七月最後一天 也就是華人七月初一。 所謂的鬼節第一天 ;)
所真的。 鬼不可怕 怕的是人那猜不透的面具 摸也摸不清 那才可怕。

鬼 我很想遇見 卻很怕 ><
LOL.今天開始 我不敢半夜爬上來上廁所了 忍=s

不敢遲睡! 晚安 ;I


昨天 babe ray來了我家過夜。認識了11年他第一次來我家過夜 ;)  而且他12點多才起身 睡很熟 xP

然後 他幫我拍照!
 hiiiii!其實 我也可以很女生 xD

小子 我喜歡你



hey! i come again! ;D

Hey hey hey! ♥   Is too bored! don't say me annoying! really too boring /.\ So everyday i will come here and report ;D  TRIAL around the corner ...but i haven't start do revision! LAZY 

                                                                moody!! DAMN

Just wanna to share some photo! 

F! my stupid bro came back ady! i hate while i heard the motor sound! (means he is back) FAN


happy birthday leong li wen !♥

生日快乐啦 梁丽文 

生日的她 却不开心。丽文啊 找天再帮你庆祝一番 yiiiiiii 笑下!=)
去了secret recipe和 丽文,爱晶 ,凯恒,微雯 当然 少不了我。;D  
叫了几片蛋糕 主角却没吃 吃最多的却是我!=s

我叫了两片蛋糕!却 吃不完 =s  贪心的后果。 然后 又叫了鸡扒 无可否认 我很厉害吃!=)
                               我一直在拍照!没人理我 自high ==
                            当当!主角在这。一直在玩电话 烦!
黄爱晶! 告诉你们一个秘密 她今天一直放屁!而且有声音的那种 ><

                                 喀嚓!又是我。太无聊 没人要理我!

完 =) 来 聊聊这。

她问我 回头草该吃吗?
我答她 吃得过吗?
她说 不想了 不需要了吧。

再爱他也好 那也只是过去了吧。
不要的时候就扔 需要的时候再要回。



9.7.2011 Awwwwwww! tonight was a great night !♥

6.7 was phang ray's birthday too! but...all of us didnt wish her on that day and didnt bother her~ =) our plan is give her a suprise on saturday at my house! we success!

 This is what i present her! no money to buy anything...so just make this! First time make things with my own hand for friend! touch lerrr..;D And was le jia nian accompany me to make one..but he do nothing! = =

 While waiting ray come my house , i keep go in and say '我很闲' but...all of them ask me go out and say '你很煩'  /.\

            She don't know want how to face us while she get the suprise! cry lerrrrr! =p

                                she say '我沒有力吹蠟燭誒’ xD
                    My jiu jiu! his body full of tatoo! and he treat us eat KFC!
                                    yiiiiyerrrrrr! i hate my smile! =s

Camwhore time! ♥

                                   wong ai chin & pam ah pam! keep eat  ><

                                                           6 of us!♥

                                 i dont know what we doing = =
                              see them!  quite funny hor! i love this pair ♥


看事情凡是都不要看表面 =)
還有 我對你反感了! 噢零噢你